welcome to my profle

الجمعة، 15 أكتوبر 2010


my favorite snack is pop corn
 Can you believe that the "popcorn" "Oualbuchar" or "pop
Korn, "keeps the balance of organic and psychological man...,
And it beats the "coffee" in alerting the brain and brings a sense of happiness and joy without any effects
Side. . .!!
These are facts revealed by scientific study at the National Center for Research in Cairo, where Cdacanutor "
Fawzi Shobaki "nutrition expert status in the study _ _ that eating popcorn stimulates brain cells to
The production of "serotonin" is responsible for maintaining the balance of organic and psychological man
Which is one of the most important neurotransmitters Alllazemh to alert the brain cells. . . . . And to increase alertness ..
Without the popcorn, the occurrence of any rise in blood pressure or increased heart rate. .
Popcorn to outperform in this area, "caffeine" is located in the coffee. . ,,,
The article "Serotonin" is also responsible for generating a sense of joy and pleasure and the demand for
Life. . ,
Fawzi said, "Popcorn" contains a package of vitamin "B" boat and
Is the most important nutrients for the safety of neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system in each
The body. . ,
And pointed out that "Popcorn" contains Aidil on the amount of protein and amino acids needed
To renew the inner cell of the human body and especially during my brain. . ,
In addition to vitamins "A" and "K" for the health and safety and human ..

Types of popcorn

white popcorn

Caramel popcorn

Cheese popcorn


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