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الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010

difficult time

last month, more people have h1n1virus.So,my family take some Steriles bcause h1n1 virus. My family are very scared for these Disease. So,we stay at home for a long time. Tthe h1n1 is a dangerous Disease.

A really difficult time. In last month , my brother have h1n1 virus. So,We are so afraid of our brother.
We are take my brother and we went to dallah hospital .I feel Embarrassment and fear of disease my brother .My brother stay in dallah hospital about 3 or 4 days
After that , he is back to home and stay in his bed about one week. after that, he Is cured of the disease. After he is cured of the disease, I feel Comfortably and check on my brother.

Disease test from God and we must be patient, and counted and examine ourselves and purify our hearts of sin and guilt and go back to God and to repent.